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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will The Scottish Promise be up and running retreats?
We hope to officially launch The Scottish Promise in 2024, though this will depend a little on some work we are doing to the house in preparation. This includes a coffee/tea/snack station in a converted box room outside the guest rooms, and a new bath/shower room on the guest room floor for the exclusive use of our guests while they are with us.
Q: Is this a retreat for the whole family?
While we love kids, we recommend making arrangements for them to stay with family or friends while you are with us. This is not really a holiday, and ministry times can be intense. We value family highly, but also know that focussing this week on your own personal restoration is paramount to your own well-being, and, in consequence, to the well-being of your whole family.
Q: Will we have time to go sight-seeing?
We do not recommend attempting to do any local sight-seeing while you are on a Scottish Promise retreat. Instead, we advise you to let your focus for this week be on healing and rest. Aberdeenshire and the north of Scotland do, however, boast some spectacular scenery, so should you desire to see them while you're in the area, we would recommend planning a holiday in the week or two after your retreat.
Q: Why Scotland?
This is a common question, especially when we live in Canada, one of the most beautiful countries in the world (and yes, we are biased). Why couldn't we just set up a retreat centre here? We asked Jesus this question once, and His response was simple: "Scotland is full of the kind of beauty that brings joy to your hearts." Jesus has no need to brings us bouquets of flowers - He can simply take us to the flower garden. Further than that, the 'why' is pretty basic - that's where Jesus wants to send us. He called, so we go. But we both love Scotland itself as well - its beauty, its scenery, its people and even its pace of life all make us feel like we are at home.
Q: Do you have relatives in Scotland?
We don't. At least, not any with whom we are currently in touch. But Daniel has family in Ireland and Wales, and Karyn has a church family in Banbury, Oxfordshire (England), among whom she lived for two years. We have many connections, and as we are part of the Body of Christ, we know we will never be far from 'family.'
Q: Can you work in Scotland?
Since both of us had grandparents born in the UK (Karyn's in Kent, England and Daniel's in Dublin, Ireland prior to 1922), we have the advantage of being able to apply for UK Ancestry Visas - work visas that are based on our UK heritage instead of on a points system. These visas are for 5 years, after which we are able to apply for permanent residency status.
Q: Is this a permanent move?
We believe that it is a permanent move. However, that being said, our lives are not our own - they belong to God. So should He choose to send us back to Canada, or send us elsewhere, at any point, that's where we will go.
Q: How can I support this ministry?
We are so appreciative of everyone who is willing and able to support us. Our needs are two-fold:
Firstly, we know that without God's hand on this ministry, it will not have the kind of impact in the Kingdom for which we hope. So PRAYER support is paramount. We are looking for people who will commit to praying for us, seeking God's heart for this ministry, and praying for those to whom we will have a chance to minister. If you would like to be kept abreast of our news and how you can pray, you can sign up for our monthly email HERE.
Secondly, we do need FINANCIAL support - people who want to partner with the vision of The Scottish Promise to ensure it becomes a reality. Though we will be able to work in Scotland, and may need to do so initially, we feel that it is important to focus on what God has laid before us, and so hope to have supporters assist in freeing us up to do so. There will also be larger one-time costs, such as moving, obtaining a property, and setting it up to receive guests. For this also we will need financial supporters. To read more about how to support us through finances or through prayer, or to give, please see our SUPPORT US page.
Do you have other questions for us? Feel free to send them to - we're happy to answer them!
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